Carl Adolf August Franz Wirtesohn (37 years old), born 3 April 1829, died 14 January 1893 age at death: 63 years old, Fabrikant Married 11 August 1864 to
Henriette Sophie Schertiger (28 years old), born 17 July 1838, died 29 October 1923 age at death: 85 years old
Spouses and children, the grandchildren, the great-grandchildren
Married 14 November 1889 to Robert Bernhard Wiemann , born 15 July 1855, died 20 September 1941 age at death: 86 years old (parents :
August Joseph Wiemann 1828-1890 &
Eva Katharina Prenten 1828-)
, with
Amalie Katharina Henriette Wiemann Married to
Stephanus Harbertus Dirksen with
Helmut Dirksen Married to
Ingeborg Irma Dörtzbach
Gisela Almut Dirksen Married to
Wolfgang Dannemann with :
Stefan Dannemann , Gerhard Dannemann , Christian Dannemann