Wilhelm Johannes Dirksen  1861-

Müller zu Papenburg
Born 19 June 1861
   (father 41 years old, mother 38 years old)
Baptized 14 July 1861

6 ancestry / 3 generations


According to 1935 note from Johs. Rabenberg, Wilhelm had 10 children living at the time, three of which were in America.
Chris van Dijkum
Chris van Dijkum
Daniel Roache


     - Harm Harberts Dirksen  ca 1790-
     - Clara Magdalena Harms 
Hermann Christian Dirksen  1819-1880
Louise Wilhelmine Bothmann  1823-1871
     - Carl Friedrich Bothmann 
     - Mary Philipps 


  1. Carl Christian Wilhelm  1850-1903
  2. Gottlieb 
  3. Hermann  1853-
  4. Maria Magdalena  1854-
  5. Louise Wilhelmine Friederike  1857-1920
  6. Stephanus Habbertus  1859-1920
  7. Wilhelm Johannes  1861-
  8. Caroline Philippine Auguste  1865-
  9. Georg Thomas Jakobus  1866-1925
  10. Johannes Friederike Jacobine Charlotte  1868-
