Ancestry of Hilke Lübkes Trey 1781-1859

Up to the parents.

Generation 2

2. Lübke Berend Trey

   married to

3. Jantje Gerjats
  1. Hilke Lübkes, born in 1781, died in 1859, age at death: 78 years old
       married 8 December 1805 to
       Weiert Tönjes Rabenberg, born 8 July 1777, died 21 February 1848, buried 25 February 1848, age at death: 70 years old, Müller
       son of Tönjes Weiers Rabenberg 1746-1828 and Antje Fokken 1756-1829 3ax1

Notes and sources

3ax1. Weiert Tönjes Rabenberg 1777-1848

Klaus Koeppe (some)

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