Descendants of Stephanus Harbertus Dirksen

Up to the great-grandchildren

Stephanus Harbertus Dirksen
   married to
   Amalie Katharina Henriette Wiemann
   daughter of Robert Bernhard Wiemann 1855-1941 and Amalie Elisabeth Fanziska Wirtensohn 1866-
  1. Helmut Dirksen
       married to
       Ingeborg Irma Dörtzbach
  2. Gisela Almut Dirksen
       married to
       Wolfgang Dannemann
       son of Herbert Dannemann and Olga Emma Medita Michaelis
    1. Stefan Dannemann
         married to
         Mirjam Engelmann
      1. Clara Engelmann
      2. Clemens Engelmann
    2. Gerhard Dannemann
         married to
         Ulrike Freitag
      1. Julia Amira Dannemann-Freitag
      2. Philipp Dannemann-Freitag
    3. Christian Dannemann
         married to… divorced
         Nicola Jane Denning
         daughter of Brian Reginald Denning and Nora Betty Heaman
      1. Brian Denning
      2. Linus Denning
         married to
         Natalya Scott
         daughter of Malcolm Colin Scott and Pamela Wilkie
      1. Lucie Jane Scott
      2. Holly Dannemann-Scott
      3. Ruby Dannemann-Scott

Total : 14 individuals

Notes and sources

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